old blacksmith ''trick''

Do you heat this to a "color" ?


--no-- you do not heat this to a color---take a ox--acet. torch and just warm it up --a wipe with wet rag and paste floor wax-- multiple applications are usually always needed--just work with it for a while and you will figure it out---believe me it ''ain't rocket science''-- it's really important to get the metal clean before you heat it up--i found a wire wheel on a grinder works the best for me. gotta get all scale off metal for best final results--give it a try and have fun:) thanks for watchin and get back and tell us how it worked for u. re steve
I allways wondered about that.
---there are a lot of ''concoctions'' out in the world--some of which are for sale---they are all meant to do the same thing---make the metal black---floor wax with produce same results and it's inexpensive. tell us how it worked for you. enjoy. re steve