Oil tubing questions


May 26, 2018
I tore my mill down to the column for a deep cleaning and fresh grease in the bearings. I'm also replacing the oil meters and tubing. What is the trick to getting the tube to seat in the bushings? Should I make a tool to give me a better grip/leverage? Some of them will go in and tighten up nicely others barely go in 1/8". One of them I cant get to start, are they tapered and could this one be up side down? They were tight coming out and I don't want to take it apart to fix a mistake.
You might need to replace the compression fittings, or perhaps make a tight fitting punch to resize the holes in the fittings.
I have all new meters, tubing and olives, I'm only reusing the compression nuts. It's the bushed holes in the bottom of saddle that are fighting back, strictly a pressed in fit.
So, the tubing is simply pushed into the hole?
Yes it is! They were tight and it took more force than I expected to pull out. As I’m re-installing new stuff I’m giving it the pull test to verify it’s firmly seated. I think I’ll have to make a tool, simple pin vise, to give me enough grip on the tubing to press it in.
I ended up drilling a 5/32 hole diagonally thru the end of an aluminum rod and split it on the bandsaw. Being able to grip it with pliers allowed me to shove it in the holes. That stuff is a tight fit but, I should be GTG for another 35 years!
