Mini lathe Cross and compound slide question


Oct 26, 2023
Is there any benefit of adding two more gibb adjusters to the slides? My slides have three adjusters, one in the middle and one on each end. The cross slide adjusters look to be spaced out quite far.
I was going to add two more adjusters to each slide along with slide locks. Am I wasting my time?
Kinda depends on how rigid the gib strip is- but probably can't hurt
If you put the cross slide in the center of it's travel and snug it up just enough to remove any slop. Then move the cross slide all the way to the end of the travel and check for slop, do you find any? Check both directions. If no slop at the end of travel, you probably don't need more screws.
If there is slop, add one more screw between each existing one until you can get rid of the slop.
Even if you don't find much slop at the end of travel, adding more adjusters will add rigidity if/when you need to run them all in tight to lock the cross slide.
It can't hurt gets my vote too.
The three existing screws do a good job for me, but I did add a lock between two of the gib adjusting screws:

20240107 Cross Slide Lock Annotated.jpeg
Used a short M4 Hex Bolt to clear and have access around the modified Carriage Lock. I poked a 3mm ball bearing in the hole to get point contact on the gib. I also added a lock to the Compound using a small adjustable lever handle:

20240107 Compound Lock.jpeg
Made a big difference with regard to rigidity.
If you put the cross slide in the center of it's travel and snug it up just enough to remove any slop. Then move the cross slide all the way to the end of the travel and check for slop, do you find any? Check both directions. If no slop at the end of travel, you probably don't need more screws.
If there is slop, add one more screw between each existing one until you can get rid of the slop.
Even if you don't find much slop at the end of travel, adding more adjusters will add rigidity if/when you need to run them all in tight to lock the cross slide.
It can't hurt gets my vote too.
Thanks! I got slop mostly in the cross slide but figured I would do both slides while I was at it.
Adding a lock like what ChazzC did (Blue knob) will make a huge difference, I have two on mine but one is more than enough to lock the compound in place.