Massive Runout on my new D1-4 5C Collet chuck. Suggestions???

Damn, if I was closer I would come over and see if we could diagnose it. Never had much use of a collet chuck. I make things one time and one time only, well if you don't count the times I remake it till it comes out right
The only reason I can think of that anyone would want to waste their tme with a collet chuck is because they have a lathe with a small spindle bore. If the machine has 1.375 or bigger bore I wouldn't even consider a collet chuck. The import chucks for the most part have so much runout they defeat the purpose of using a collet. The brand name chucks are priced pretty much out of the hobby market. Drawbars are easy to make, or if the bore is too small, soft jaws work well for multiple parts. Just my .02.

I bought a CDCO 5c chuck and cobbled up an adapter to use with a D1-6 backplate, cut the recess 20 thou too large so I could use set screws to make it a Set Tru set up. Works like a charm, repeats within a couple tenths after set up and can be dialed in to 1 tenth with adjusting screws. I suppose I just got lucky after reading previous posts in this thread but I think the CDCO chuck is great especially for the low dollar cost.
Glad it worked out for you. I would still rather spin a drawbar than mess around with the scroll on the chuck.