Machine Covers?


Active User
Jan 17, 2013
I have a mini lathe and a mini mill I want to make covers for to keep the dust off when not is use. I haven't been able to find any pre-made covers, so I'm going to have to make my own. What is the best material to make them out of? I was thinking of using canvas.
How long are they going to be covered at a time?
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Personally I use "free with any purchase" Harbor Freight tarps. Eventually I plan to switch to custom-made canvas. I figure my wife "owes" me that much since I bought her a really good sewing machine. :)

Basically anything will be better than nothing, especially if you're using your shop for other tasks such as woodworking, grinding, welding, etc. A waxed canvas would be better than plain canvas, because it will shed dust and grime easier.
I use old towels or T shirts. Occasionally I take the cover off and spray with WD40 then smear it around to cover all the parts. Don
My Craftsman Commercial is covered with 2 military duffle bags slit down the side opposite the handle. One should be enough for a mini. Usually cheap at yard sales / thrift shops.
I just asked my wife for some old bedsheets and use those. Soft and breathable (is that a word?). :)
I use grill covers and outdoor furniture covers. They can be pricey and don't fit perfectly but last a long time.