Looking For Tool Post For Unknown Tool Holder


Sep 29, 2015
I have a tool post and no tool holders that fit it.
Then I have tool holders, and no post that they will fit.
Failing to find parts for the tool post I figured maybe I should just look for a tool post that will work with the holders I have. I have 3 of them, so why not.
I've created a drawing that shows the dimensions of the tool holders I have. I didn't include the bolt holes.
If anyone has an idea of which tool post I need for these holders I sure would appreciate the information.


Hi, can you post a pict of what the compound of the lathe looks like that this goes on?
Reminds me of a Dickson style holder. Unless I am mistaken, the Rapid Original is very similar or a copy (one way or the other, don't know which came first).
Chandler, Looks like a Colchester tool holder to me, I've got a box full of the larger size and I can't seem to find a home for them. I seem to remember a member from Norway restoring a lathe with that tool post set-up. Sorry, no tool post was in the box with my holders either.