Just a FYI you should read.


Active User
Jan 21, 2013
Ulma Doctor's recent post reminded me of something that should be pointed out. Unless it's from a source you can trust (like his was) don't download and use Gcode files. They can (and have) contain malware. I'm of the opinion that the only useful Gcode is one that was created form your own slicer with the setting you use for your printer, but if you are tempted, make sure you can trust it. In other words Gcode files from thingiverse or other agg
This applies to ANY thing that comes from "outside". Once you hit the street, be aware and suspicious of everything. Regardless of what endeavor, there is someone that wants to gum up the works. Check everything!!!

I'm having a lot of trouble understanding how a text file can contain malware. Can you lead me to an example?

stl's OTOH are binary and if your pc is set up properly even double clicking on one will only open Cura or whatever you assigned to open. That will open it as a data file, not execute it.

The rest I understand, always slice your own as that way it is set up for your configuration, calibration and specific filaments. there is no one-size-filts-all in FDM.
OK, going to have to go research that one.
What are they doing - putting in bad moves in the G-Code to mess up the machine?
Or do you mean a .ZIP (compressed) files or an executable (.EXE, .MSI, etc) type file?
OK, going to have to go research that one.
What are they doing - putting in bad moves in the G-Code to mess up the machine?
Or do you mean a .ZIP (compressed) files or an executable (.EXE, .MSI, etc) type file?
i have experienced bad g-code
no matter how many times i printed (read:attempted printing) or changed settings- the insignificant part would not print
i'm not any kind of authority on malware, but if you are downloading anything, you may wish to trust the source,
even then TRUST NO ONE!(in the digital sense)
i have experienced bad g-code
no matter how many times i printed (read:attempted printing) or changed settings- the insignificant part would not print
Just to be clear, are you talking about a file with gcode blocks or an .stl file? I would never waste my time on downloading someone else's gcode file. Bad .stl's I see often, not sure why the individual even bothered uploading it. Sometimes you can 'heal' the object but with the CAD file it often becomes hopeless. Anything I upload to Thingiverse always includes the Fusion360 file.
I have experienced faulty g-code files as well as bad .stl files too.
I suppose it could look like a G code file and have the correct extension but the file could really be any type of code. You would not necessarily know it was malware until it was on your machine! I can't imagine any body messing with the A-team though...
The kind of thing I've heard of is Gcode that is meant to mess up your machine. Either the settings, the firmware, or pushing the printer past its limits. All of those things can be done in Gcode, Which after all is really a programming language, text file or not. Like rwm said, the extension could simply be fake too, but someone can cause enough damage just with bad gcode.

That aside, There's virtually no chance that someone else's gcode will work properly on your machine anyway.
Clever Gcode might be able to cause your printer to catch fire, possibly burning down your house.

Different file formats have different risks.

STL files only contain triangles. They can be incorrect, but the risk is of a different class.