Is my cross slide gib strip not ground properly?

So in the end you got alot of good information and ended up doing just as you had thought to fix your problem. That is one thing I have always liked about this site. Many will give the best ideas even when just getting the info that is given them as close as possible. As some did giving you how they fixed a matching problem but at the same time giving good info as to how to how to come to the best fix. Good people always willing to help. !!!
Yes that's what's great about being part of a like minded community where we share ideas, problems, successes and failures. I'm glad the simpler fix addressed my issue otherwise I wouldn't have known how to go about scraping and making dove tails parallel :oops:

Thanks for following along!!!
I always feel that answers given have a twofold purpose. One is to give advice to the OP but the other is to put information out to the group for those who might run into a similar problem.

One of the great things about the internet is that no matter what you are trying to do, most likely someone has already done it and posted the how-to.