Identifying drill chuck taper


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Jun 17, 2011
I did a search for "Jacobs No 34 chuck" and found listings with anything from a straight arbor to JT2, JT6 and JT33, plus a few others. The easiest way to find it might be to take it into a tool store with a good stock and just try as many as you can find until you find a fit.
It should have a suffix beyond the #34

A 34-02 has a 2JT hole
A 34-06 has a 6JT hole
A 34-33 has a 33JT hole
A 34-33C has a 33JT hole also

You probably could probably take a pair of calipers and get a close enough measurement on the opening of the hole to determine which you have. Charts are available to give the dimensions of each taper.
Hello Nitsuj!
Do you know that "B16" is very close to "J33"?
This could be yous solution...