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Winner Home Grown Cutter Grinder

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I don't have any CAD program Dan. I'm an old codger, don't need it. At 67 it would take me forever to learn. My opinion comes from prints I have acquired.

"Billy G"


Bill, no problem! Please keep the drawings and parts coming!

I understand about getting a bad print!

I don't care for CAD drawings. There seems to be no standard. Some have all the hidden lines etc. and some only have solid lines. There seems to be no happy medium. You are left to figure them out yourself. If you get it wrong, oh well. Just my opinion based on what I have seen.

"Billy G"

Oh, there are standards. But you know what they say; "The best thing about standards is there are so many of them".

When I was in school we had to do all our designs on paper with pencil. The idea being that you don't always have a cad program, but you can scribble something on a piece of paper or a napkin. I still find it to be the most fluid way to start. After that I like my 3d cad to make sure everything fits together ;)

Hope 2014 is going well for everyone.
...I like my 3d cad to make sure everything fits together ...

That's what mock-ups are for. :))

My 1st career was spent on the drawing board, ending as engineering designer. There is an intimacy and creative magic in pencil on paper that seems to be lost among the millions of 1's and 0's.
A couple of minor things are getting done. The index plate is no mounted with two 6-32 flathead screws and the index pointer is started. I think I will leave the index plate natural and Engine Turn it.

"Billy G"

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When you need a special pointer you make one. :))

"Billy G"

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Sometimes you get a wishy-washy day. It's snowing and super cold. Pointer is done. Working on the Mandrel also.

"Billy G"

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