HGR Closing...?


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Nov 28, 2016
I just got off the phone with a salesman from HGR... I was attempting to make a purchase...

He informed me that he would not take my order because HGR is closing permanently tomorrow and my order would never be shipped.

I saw this coming... I believe the company changed owners a while back. Since then, the company has been in a steady downhill slide. The website has been redesigned and sucks... the customer service has followed...

The last few times I've attempted to purchase from them, it's been impossible to complete the purchase... after a couple of hours of dealing with the hassle, frustration, and confusion I've given up.

It used to be a decent company to deal with...

I also found out from my salesman today. I'm local, but too busy to make it over there before they close.
I've been going there since at least 1999. I think when the original founders sold the company, the magic disappeared. The new buyers tried to expand to other locations and apparently got in over their heads; the bank is closing it down.
HGR Industrial Surplus in Cleveland... great place to browse, I got both my bridgeport and 14" cadillac lathe from them, as well as too many other things to even count.
They are less than 20 minutes from where I live and wanted to see for myself so I went up there. Confirmed. There were several huddles of employees grouped together *****ing about the situation.

I looked for that vise, and it wasn't there and no one cares about where stuff is. Most of the forklift drivers left yesterday when they told they were out of a job.

Sadly, if anyone bought anything from them and it hasn't shipped, I don't think I would count on it being shipped. Nobody will be there on Monday unless something changes in the next 24 hours. You won't get your money back after a bankruptcy since you are on the bottom of the list of debts to pay off.

With $15-20 million dollars in revenue, I would suspect that the bank will want to find a buyer to cut their losses. Or they'll be lining up dumpsters for months to get it all to the scrapyards.
Did HGR sell any new equipment or all surplus stuff ? Just wondering . Our local guy does both and seems to still be doing well .