Graphotype 6381 questions


Jan 22, 2022
Hopefully it’s acceptable to post about this machine! I’m not sure it belongs in this forum.

I just picked this Graphotype 6381 (still driving home now). Plan was to supplement my home machine shop and maybe sell dog tags on the side.

My question. It’s all gummed up from old oil. Can anyone recommend anything to clean it up and oil it back up with??

I used acetone and degreaser on my Bridgeport and Clausing lathe. But I’m hesitant to use it on this. Would spindle oil do well for getting it oiled back up?

It has really nice original paint and I believed it would be hard not to mess that up with acetone.


I wonder if I should just soak it in PB Blaster, then clean it up and re lubricate?

It’s definitely in need of some freeing up.
You may want to try something old school like mineral spirits or Marvel Mystery Oil.

Test a small spot first to make sure it’s not going to mess with the finish.

Neat old machine!

You may want to try something old school like mineral spirits or Marvel Mystery Oil.

Test a small spot first to make sure it’s not going to mess with the finish.

I like your idea. I’m starting to think I’m going to need to dissemble the machine and let it soak. It’s a very complicated machine with lots of parts! It’s going to be a big project
I like your idea. I’m starting to think I’m going to need to dissemble the machine and let it soak. It’s a very complicated machine with lots of parts! It’s going to be a big project
I would definitely try getting it freed up before disassembly. It might not be a bad idea to just start putting 3 in 1 oil on key areas to see if you can get it moving.
