Ex-Cell-O Tools

You can get caps at junkyards for next to nothing...
Thank you Chris.
You might be right about the early CNC... Funny that Ex-Cell-O used the same model (or type) number for so many vastly different machines.
It is sitting outside my shop while we rearrange the shop to fit it in the right place.
Here it is:
View attachment 237935
There are quite a lot of empty (but previously used) bolt holes like this around the machine which supports your early CNC idea.
View attachment 237938
Here is the heart of my problem:
View attachment 237936
The unexpectedly missing left Y handle:
View attachment 237937
Your machine looks a lot like mine except that it looks like someone has removed the servos and made it manual. Mine came with almost everything except for the automatic oiler which the previous owner sold off and the control unit that I think was from Bendix (at least that's one of the manuals that came with it.) I have a ton of blueprints for the Excello machines that I got from the previous owner if anyone is interested in them. Does yours still have any of the ballscrews?
Hi I know this is an old thread but I would like to talk to you about your excello cbc machine