[How-To] Connection question


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Oct 16, 2019
I need to connect to this 5v relay.
One side is screw terminals which are easy, the other side has pins.
Is there a special connector that fits this or do I just solder to the pin?
They also like to call those "dupont connectors".
Looking at the circuit board for scale, I would speculate 1/10 inch centers, 2.54mm. I don't know the proper name for them, Molex is one of many suppliers. They are all over computer boards, actually most any electronic device. For a connector, ask your computer whiz, or professional IT expert, for a power connector from a 3-1/2 inch floppy drive. It can be soldered, hard wired, easy enough, IF you are handy at soldering small components. I wouldn't try it with a 100 W pistol type iron. Best bet is to find a connector, my supplier has many types. If all you find is w i d e connectors, a sharp knife fixes that.

Thanks @Bi11Hudson, that's what they measure out to be. I'll ping my local contacts for a connector.
For a one-off, I'd solder and heat-shrink. If you were going to do a lot of this stuff, it would be worth picking up a supply of connectors.