Aluminium welding problems.

Man, I know your getting hit from all directions here, I hope to not add to that..
just start with puddle control...don't even add any rod. keep your torch around 1/16" away from base metal, about 15 degrees tilted the way your moving. Just practice starting, moving your puddle. In you pix, I see a weld that was done too cold and without a good puddle started.

He is not TIG welding.

Well after two days of following 'helpful' advice, I threw it all away and within an hour of messing with settings myself managed to run a bead before running out of wire. Last bead is fourth from the right. Not good I know, but a big improvement from my original post.

You never gave all the info to get the advice you were looking for. You were wanting people to both read your mind and turn on their crystal ball to peer through space and time to look at your machine from a far. There are so many variables that you weren't able to wrap your mind around, that you shut-down because it just couldn't be that someone didn't have your answer in one simple sentence. Diagnosing/troubleshooting these kinds of things without being there, simply takes a lot more than you think.

It's like crashing your car, then you get it towed the repair shop, and ask them "what did I do wrong"? They will look at you like you're crazy. Even if you told them how fast you were going, and how fast the other vehicle was going, there are so many variables to such an event that there is no way they or anyone else that does not have video evidence would be able to tell definitively you what you did wrong. Yet you would still want advice on how to improve your driving, even without the necessary information. Do you see how it parallels your welding situation?
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