
You may be better off with a ER-32 or ER-40 system on a lathe, especially for holding odd sized stock. Both the 5C and R-8 have limited clamping range, and their TIR tends to be worse then the ER system. Can't say I have seen an r-8 system on a lathe, and not being ably to pass stock through the collet makes it very limited. I use a 5C system, which requires about 3X as many collets ($$) to cover the clamping range of ER set. You can get a back plate and ER-32 (or ER-40) chuck for under $100. Sold by many vendors. They also sell inexpensive ER collet sets. Another option is to clamp an ER Collet Fixture with a round, square or Hex body in your 3J or 4J. This is the route that I will probably go, since I use an ER-32 setup on my mill. A lot easier to clamp an ER fixture in my 60lB 4J then switching it out for another chuck. A typical 5C chuck without a collet closer, is pretty slow to switch out collets, ER would be quicker. Just some thoughts.