1679 Manual


Mar 18, 2023
New to a metal lathe and was given a Central Machinery 1679 mini lathe. Found this forum through a post from 2015 about this lathe. I'm hoping someone here has a manual for the lathe or maybe someone can point me to a resource so I can figure out what this lathe can do as well as what all the parts do and their names. Thanks
I'm sure you'll get quite a few responses from members and maybe one will also turn up a manual for you. In the meantime though you might skim through the Sticky Notes section of the Beginners Forum here. Quite a lot of basic but decent information if you're completely new to machine shop equipment as well as some good video links for different machines. This should take you right there...

Didn't take long to realize I came to the right place. between this site and two recommended old high school shop class text books, I should be reading for at least a year. Thinking I should start with a search for the manual associated with my lathe, my question still stands.... is this something I need or are all mini lathes close enough to get started using general information available on this site? Looks like the more I read, the more I didn't even think about. My quest is to use this lathe skill in the restoration of old motorcycles. I may not come up for air for quite a while. Thanks
Haha, I’m glad you like reading!

As far as a manual goes, personally I like to have the proper instructions/manual whatever you want to call it for any machine that I have. To me it just makes sense and can take a lot of the guesswork out of deciding ‘gee, is this the way this works or the other way…?’. So I totally get that you want to find one. Heck, I just ordered a sewing machine manual from Finland!

Having said that, from what I hear of the various manuals and instructions for some of the Mini-Lathes out there the manuals can be less than stellar. More questions seem to be answered by a good and thorough understanding of basic operations than are solved by the sketchy symbols and illustrations. So, while a manual is a good thing to look out for, don’t pin your hopes on it being the ultimate in learning medium for you. Especially once you get past the basic stuff.

I’m trying to think if there’s a better way to reach out to other forum members who have similar lathes. I don’t, my machines are the ‘old iron’ variety so documentation is a little more searchable. The mini lathes, from my understanding anyway, are often one machine made under various labels so trying to track a root source of information can be difficult. But, there’s also a lot of cross-over too because of that.

Give this post some time to percolate — sometimes it takes a few days for folks to read and catch up on new activity. I’ll try to think of where one might scare one up as well and will let you know if I find something. I think Central Machinery is or was a Harbor Freight house brand, so that may be someplace to check.
