Wilton Bullet Vise


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Nov 28, 2016
I bought an old 4 inch Wilton Bullet vise from a seller on ebay... it was pretty rough...


It obviously spent some time on a welding bench, it was covered in spatter and the jaw insert on the moveable jaw had been welded to the jaw...


Mechanically, it is tight and works very well.

I used an abrasive wheel on an angle grinder to cut the welded jaw insert off, then bolted the vise to my mill table and milled off the remaining weld. While I had it indicated on the mill, I skimmed the jaw faces where the jaw inserts seat just enough to clean them up and ensure they were parallel.

Next, I disassembled the vise, degreased it, and lightly sandblasted the body and moveable jaw. I then used a sanding disk on an air motor to lightly go over it to remove the remaining spatter and high metal from around the dents...


I mixed up some JB Weld and used it as filler to fill the dents, dings, and other damage...



After blending the excess JB Weld off...


...I had a fairly smooth surface. I went ahead and painted the moveable jaw using a rattle can...


It is drying now...


This vise was made in 1951... my other Wilton Bullet was made in 1978 or 79... both have 4 inch jaws, but the later vise is much bigger...


I did the work on the moveable jaw yesterday, and the vise body today... the JB on the body will be cured enough to sand out tomorrow, so maybe I'll get it painted then.

I have also ordered a piece of O-1 bar to make new jaw inserts out of. I'll have to see if I can figure out how to harden them at home once I get them machined.

You're breathing fresh life into that vise. It's looking very good.

Are the threaded holes for the moveable jaw in serviceable condition?

How much did the O1 cost?

You're breathing fresh life into that vise. It's looking very good.

Are the threaded holes for the moveable jaw in serviceable condition?

How much did the O1 cost?

One of the holes is good... the other I will have to install a helicoil in...

I haven't found a set of jaw inserts that will fit this vise yet... but the material was less than the ones you linked... and I'm more interested in making them anyway.

I'm a little nutty like that...

Looking forward to seeing it finished!!
The painting is finished...




The handle on this vise is not only beat up badly, it is also bent... I've ordered some material to attempt to make a new handle. The material for the vise jaws should be here tomorrow.

No, no, no, no... get more JB Weld and fix that spot! :p:D

View attachment 408618

Yeah, I neglected that... I figured if I fixed that, I would end up setting it down wrong and chipping it back off.

I'm looking for a swivel base... if I find one, I'll fix that before I mount it...


I was just giving you a hard time... that was just joking. It came out great.
The material for the handle came in today, so I just had to play with it...

I set up my homemade ball turner and started whittling...



I rounded both ends of the material with the same setup on the ball turner, then machined a relief behind the radius on both ends. I then re-set up the ball turner for a smaller radius and machined the back of the handle ends...


Then I drilled a 3/8" hole through and parted both pieces off...


The handle is 9/16" rod... I'll machine both ends down to fit the holes in the handle ends, then attempt to weld the ends to the handle.


Your ball turner seems to work well. Is there a build thread?
I would like to know whether or not you used bearings (what type/size) to support the arbor or does the arbor simply turn in the bore of the holder.