More of the white death on its way .

In 1974-75, I took a motorcycle road test in Salt Lake City on December 26th. There was 8 inches on the ground and more on the way. I've seen enough cold and snow to last the rest of my life, what there is of it. (I'm 70 now) In the end, I settled in the deep south (Birmingham) because it so rarely snows here. BTW, it's 65F as I write this at 7:45PM.


Well into the 60s here today as well. Beautiful day.
Oh brrrr. It’s supposed to rain tomorrow with a temperature of 61.
I feel for you guys.
Nights are down to the high 40’s. Brrrrr.
Hey, that’s why you can buy an average home with a postage stamp lot for $550,000.
Unless you are near the San Francisco Bay Area or LA. Then a dump in a bad neighborhood runs over a million.
Who can afford these homes?
Location, location, warm sun.
I live 30 miles from the geographic center of Texas. It's been in the mid-30s here all day. Forecast says it's going to snow tomorrow, and Sunday night and Monday night we're going to see SINGLE DIGITS. We're supposed to drop below freezing Saturday night and not see temps above freezing until Tuesday.

Little over an inch on the ground , nothing on the roads as I can tell . Off to a shower and then into work to make the donuts .
4.30 am and still coming down hard and the roads are now fully covered . Total of 3 people in at work tonight and most likely will be a skeleton crew in the morning .
Be safe going home please.