Roman Shield

Braeden P

Sep 1, 2020
There is a project for my Latin class were you can make anything from a comic to a sculpture that relates to the Roman Empire and the three best from every category and grade gets sent to the Philadelphia Classical Society for them to judge and give awards. Colleges really like those awards so I want one.
To start I cut out a disk of brass and used a ball peen and a pine board to make it into a sort of bowl. Then I make another disk and cut out the center the smoothed out the contact area so it would solder all around. That took about 4 hours to make it perfect. Next I soldered it, then marked and drilled the holes. Had some brass carriage bolts that I made look like rivets.
I got three pieces of pine, marked out a circle and cut it. Glued them together then sanded it round. I glued together two more pieces to make the handle, cut the rough shape with the jigsaw then used a spoke shave and carving knife to shape it and then sanded it and put some linseed oil. It was held on by four screws from the front then the holes were filled in with bondo. I drilled the hole in the center for the boss then drilled the four holes for the rivets.
Got the steel off of McMaster-Carr, bent it into a ring and used a ring roller to get it perfect then welded it. It was too small so I used the horn of an anvil and a hammer to make it slightly larger. The tabs were then welded on and ground to look like they are bent from the ring for historical accuracy.
I put a layer of gesso on the front then put linen on top then more gesso. When that was dried I painted it all red for mars, the god of war. Made a stencil for the wings, they represent an eagle which is for the power of the Roman Empire. Then made more stencils for the light bolts the king of gods, Jupiter. Most Roman shields had these three symbols.
The ring was then pressed on. I shortened some more brass carriage bolts and drilled holes for those and glued them in place.
I made the stand out of three pieces of pine, I cut the rough profile with a jigsaw then smoothed it out with a spoke shave then sanded it. Put some linseed oil on it and it is all done!

The three best for each category per grade get selected on Thursday so I hope it makes it past that!IMG_6562.jpegimage.jpgIMG_6563.jpegIMG_6564.jpegIMG_6561.jpeg
Great work Braeden . Wish you good luck in your competition . Guess they wouldn't allow a full size sword thru the school doors these days .
Great work Braeden . Wish you good luck in your competition . Guess they wouldn't allow a full size sword thru the school doors these days .
I checked and they said only if it had blunt edges, don’t know how you would do that.
@Braeden P

My son needed to do a portfolio to be considered for his university level Industrial Design program.
The school ran a prep course to review and advise the contents of the applicant portfolios.
The day of his course I realized it was in the bag, every one else had only drawings (mostly anime).
My son had sketches, CAD drawings, 3D-renderings, and photos of his completed projects.

Some of his hands-on projects were:
-blacksmith "wrought iron" coat hanger
-a homemade cross-bow
-flowers with steel and copper petals
-several wooden swords (Japanese Katana; including steam-bent arcs, Scottish Claymore, etc.)
-a Viking shield with steel convex centre. He even made the wooden die that he formed the steel shield centre into.

I am NOT trying to put down other art forms, just trying to emphasize (as the school did) that actual hands-on work has no substitute.
You need to get your hands dirty with real-world projects to understand materials and their limits, processes, and possibilities.

You are doing great!

I have my sons project from 25 years ago down the basement . Although he did not do any hands on machining , he had the idea to meet the criteria and helped out drilling and tapping everything together . We made this when the shop was still up and running . The " American Orbiter " . Some things I just can't scrap out , this is one of them . ( pics later on ) :grin: